Disaster Recovery for Your Code

Learn How to Protect your In-House Code Repositories

Most people only think about Disaster Recovery right after a disaster. But the reality is that it's important to prepare for the next disaster before it happens, so that your development work isn't impacted and your team doesn't lose any code.

It's not just rare events like hurricanes that can cause data-loss disasters. Your team can be down for days even after common events like:

  • Floods
  • Fires
  • Theft
  • Computer Viruses
  • Hardware Failures




ProjectLocker makes it easy to create a secure live offsite mirror of your in-house code repositories. As your team makes changes to your in-house repository, ProjectLocker automatically replicates the update and backs up your code on our Enterprise-grade redundant cloud infrastructure. Then, if a disaster takes your primary in-house server offline, your team can just point at the ProjectLocker mirror and keep working without missing a beat.

Unlike your inert offsite backups, ProjectLocker will not lose a day's worth of data and will let your team keep working through your standard backup recovery process.

ProjectLocker is easy to add to your business continuity plan. There's nothing to install on your servers, and ProjectLocker can help you with the setup. Fill out the form to get in touch and learn how easy it is to protect your code!